
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Postcrossing for My Daughter Begins

I have been encouranging and helping my daughter to build her own stamps and postcards collection. So far we have been doing ok.

I have managed to get my niece in London and New York to send us some stamps and postcards.

My wife went around Europe last year sent some postcards from various places; London, Paris, Switzerland, etc.

My brother went to Kenya last year and sent us a few postcards.

Some friends, vacationing, staying and working overseas also sent us stamps and postcards; Pattaya, Frankfurt, Sydney, Doha, Bangalore, etc.

I also bought from eBay and local auction site.

And, interestingly, I managed to find people from FB and exchanged stamps with them; Austria.

The most recent stamps were from a friend who went to Wisconsin USA earlier this year.

Yesterday, I stumbled into Interesting website where you send postcards to people around the world randomly and in return you will get postcards from all over the world!

I decided to register (free) and about to go out to find some interesting postcards about Malaysia and ready to send 1 postcard to USA tomorrow.

Hope this is going to be fun and educational for my daughter.

Photo of my daughter and her kid brother. Taken sometime last year after their swimming outing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Azman, what is your account in FB so that I can invite you to join the POSTCROSSING ENTHUSIASTS facebook group - a group of postcard collectors.

    Please add me on FB: Arlene Collado

    See ya around.

